Cloud-Based Process Mapping with No IT Footprint

Cloud Based Process Mapping

ProcessPro is an entirely cloud-based platform for creating process maps. The database, documents, and application itself are held on Azure, the cloud service operated by Microsoft, to ensure that your data is secure and your process maps are always available.

By default, we use a multi-tenanted database for improved efficiency and security, with the option to upgrade to a single instance upon request.

We use SSL protection and encryption both in transit and at rest, to protect your data at every step. Our server locations are based in the US, Canada, Africa and Australia, not only to provide a fast and efficient service for organisations around the world but to store backups in your region.

The backup protocol covers documents, databases, and applications, storing your data frequently:

  • Daily backups stored for 30 days,
  • Weekly for 4 weeks,
  • Monthly for 12 months,
  • Yearly for 3 years.

Explore further features of ProcessPro below.


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