ProcessPro: Unifying Process Mining and Automation for Optimal Efficiency

Process Mapping the missing piece between process mining and process automation

In today’s rapidly evolving modern business landscape, organizations are constantly seeking ways to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and streamline their operations. Two key technologies that have emerged as game-changers in this pursuit are process mining and process automation. While process mining enables organizations to gain insights into their existing business processes, process automation empowers them to automate repetitive and manual tasks. However,  to fully unlock the power of these technologies, there is a missing piece that connects  them seamlessly and enabled end to end  process automation: ; process management.  Introducing ProcessPro, the all-encompassing software solution that acts as the vital link between process mining and process automation, revolutionizing how organizations achieve their optimization goals. 

To understand the significance of ProcessPro, let’s walk through the six pivotal  steps that  deliniate  the journey from process mining to process automation, with process management acting as the connecting thread. 

STEP 1: Recording activities

The initial step involves selecting specific business users to be recorded and installing a process mining tracking tool, often referred to as the discovery robot, on their workstations. In addition, a business analysis team should be involved to determine the key areas of focus for measurement.

STEP 2: Perform image analysis

With the discovery server in place, the system captures screenshots of mouse clicks and keyboard strokes made by the selected users. It’s important to note that no data is captured, ensuring privacy. The recorded keystrokes, such as Enter, Control, shortcuts, Shift, Tab, and Escape, provide visual information to the business analysts regarding how business processes are performed.

STEP 3: Cluster information together

This step utilizes machine learning algorithms to find patterns in the captured data. Through the power of artificial intelligence, the sequence of processes can be captured, enabling a deeper understanding of the workflow.

STEP 4: Perform process discovery

Once a sufficient amount of data has been collected, the business analysts, who possess a thorough understanding of the business workflow, review the list of recorded processes. They identify the processes suitable for further analysis, ensuring that the discovered insights align with the organization’s goals and objectives.

STEP 5: Map processes

This critical step involves the business analysts determining which processes or specific steps within processes are suitable for automation. Utilizing ProcessPro, they assess the business impact by considering factors such as the total occurrences, number of users involved, duration of performing the processes, and the number of actions performed, as analyzed by the discovery server. Detailed documentation is created in ProcessPro, outlining how the processes are currently performed.

Moreover, the business analysts leverage ProcessPro’s capabilities to compare the current state of processes with the desired future state. They conduct a comprehensive cost analysis to determine the return on investment (ROI) for each process, aiding decision-making in prioritizing automation efforts. All processes and their associated documentation are stored in a central library within ProcessPro, making them easily accessible for review and reference. 

STEP 6: Automate processes or steps

With the detailed information and insights gathered and documented within ProcessPro, the next step is to involve the robotic process automation (RPA) developer. Armed with the understanding of the processes and the desired automation goals, the RPA developer translates the information into actionable automation steps for the organization.

ProcessPro serves as the collaboration platform, bridging the gap between business analysts, RPA developers, and other stakeholders involved in the process automation journey. By enabling seamless communication and information sharing, ProcessPro ensures that the automation efforts are aligned with the organization’s objectives and that the chosen processes yield the expected benefits. 

In conclusion, process management, embodied by ProcessPro, plays a vital role in connecting process mining and process automation. It acts as the glue that binds these two technologies together, enabling organizations to achieve end-to-end process optimization. By capturing, analyzing, and documenting business processes, ProcessPro empowers organizations to make informed decisions about automation, maximize ROI, and streamline operations. With ProcessPro, organizations can pave the way to a new era of efficiency, cost reduction, and operational excellence. 

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